Let us do our job to get you the hire you desire.
There could be one or a multitude of reasons why you are interested in a candidate search. Any one of these business challenges is a reason why small business owners like you hire Rita Coco Consulting to help them find the right people to put on the bus.
Any of these click with you?
- You have significantly increased your customer base – you need employees now!
- You are not finding the right talent and you have been searching for quite some time.
- You are looking for more talented people, experienced candidates with integrity, who naturally fit into your work ethic and culture.
- You want to grow your company; you need to increase the number of employees.
- Your plan is to delegate more to your staff.
- You are looking to reduce your work hours.
- You want to off-load responsibilities that you no longer should be doing.
- You have been doing the search in-house to avoid high agency fees.
- You know what you want for talent and you may not think that an outside resource will know (really know) who fits and who does not.
- Staffing has been a challenge; you know you need to do something different. But what?
Even if you check only one – call us! Click to call NOW!
Why agencies don’t work for small business owners
Executive and placement agencies have been the traditional go-to firms for talent but not necessarily the best place for finding laborers. The sticker price of 20% of the first-year salary is cost-prohibitive to the small business owner especially those who work in construction and trades. In fact, the typical placement agency business model is not structured to support candidate searches for part-time help, entry-level admin or an entrepreneur’s first hire. Their ideal client is a company looking for white collar professionals and can afford to pay for a broad or national search.
Why DIY doesn’t work for small business owners
Not having the funds to hire a placement agency, you decided to conduct your own candidate search – and frankly you are ready to admit – without much success. You only have so much time to devote to this project even though you know hiring is really important. You may have dropped a quick ad into the well-known job-seeking outlets. To save time, you are reusing job descriptions downloaded from the web. You may be working your network, (which we do believe is the best way for small business owners to find and keep their employees), but achieving less-than satisfactory results. Maybe you are finding some experts, but they do not fit your culture or align with your work ethics.
Our Candidate Search works!
The purpose of Rita Coco Consulting’s Candidate Search Service is to offer a down-to-earth, practical, timesaving, and best-approach solution to connect clients with candidates. These candidates best fit our clients’ cultures and standards. We look for talent who have predetermined minimum skill levels and possess the all-important teachable/coachable attitude to learn and to be able to close his/her development gaps—all without requiring unnecessary time demands on our client and other employees.
We increase your company’s effectiveness which is measured by the right person in the right position producing the right outcomes. We will help you locate and attract qualified candidates. We perform the search and selection process. Preparation done at the beginning of a candidate search results in a superior outcome, and the Rita Coco Consulting team can recruit effectively and efficiently. Our Candidate Search service finds, selects, interviews, hires, and transitions the right person into your company, reducing the possibility of an emotional or reactionary hire.
We do not charge a percent of the candidate’s salary.
We are not a staffing agency.
We are cost-effective.
We increase your company’s efficiency by minimizing the need for you, the business owner, to spend time on the hiring process. Rita Coco Consulting solutions are based on the fundamental understanding that a small business owner should only spend time on ownership activities. Recruiting quality people, although extremely important, is not a company owner’s responsibility. It is time-consuming with a need for rigorous attention to detail. Most of the effort can be completed by an employee or outside source. Yet, we have designed Candidate Search so that business owners can be as involved as they need to be in any of the following activities to keep within their time and money budgets constraints:
- Job board selection
- Ad copy
- Job description generation
- Job application generation
- Resume review
- Application review
- Employer interview
- Personal reference interview
- Candidate vetting interviews
Our client can choose to be involved in any of these steps or choose to receive the names of vetted candidates and conduct their own in-house interview. Requiring and collecting applications, examining them for completeness, and following up only with those who meet the minimum requirements is only the beginning. The outcome of this careful preparation allows you, the business owner, to spend your valuable time interviewing only the best candidates who have applied. We can recruit effectively and efficiently freeing up both the owner and employees from having to invest time.
If staffing has been a challenge in the past, you may be unaware that you have practices that are attracting inappropriate candidates. Due to the need to hire a body (anybody) to fill a position, you may have compromised. You know you have people in the wrong position or who are not a cultural fit, but there is work that needs to be done. We will work with you, our client, to figure out what is required to make the best hire happen.
In Summary…
- Candidate Search is cost effective for the small business owner who is seeking an outside resource to conduct a candidate search.
- Candidate Search process allows the owner to load-level 90% of the hiring process which is a great time-saver for the owner.
- Candidate Search job capture is more effective than creating a job description as it captures not only the job skills but the work habits, company core values and culture.
- Candidate Search interviewing, writing, deductive reasoning, analyzing and common-sense skills are our strengths. You do not need to learn these competencies.
Rita’s tip for thinking out-of-the-box about
Candidate Searches
Does your business already have a pool of people who can be dependably scheduled for contract or part-time work or become a full-time employee?
If not, it’s important to create some connections that keep your company regularly connected to outstanding people. Great companies look first for people who fit the culture, and then create the jobs that fit the people.
You want to be the company that is always actively looking for candidates. This way, when you meet someone who is a company fit, you are ready to have a conversation about the future.
Perhaps you are not ready to hire at this moment, but when your mind is set to seek the company talent-fit, the job will naturally appear down the line. If you only look for people when you have the need, there is more urgency to get someone to fit into the job. Due to the pressure to get someone now, the culture fit becomes secondary, which leads to issues down the line!