RCC Essentials are small business ‘must haves,’ that most business owners are never told they should have, so they go without, and struggle more than is necessary. No business owner needs more struggle – right?
Business owners unknowingly do without the Essentials because they don’t know what they don’t know. They have blind spots. Other business colleagues have the same blind spots, so small business owners never learn about the Essentials from each other. What is weird is that they’ve all heard about these Essentials when they launched their new business. But, they never really got around to embracing them. As a business owner becomes established, urgent matters takes their focus away from the Essentials.
You’ve heard about a business Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Culture to name a few of the Essentials. Let’s not forget Strategic and Goal Planning. Just reading these can make a small business owner’s eyes glaze over. Well, stop yawning, because it is really unfortunate. Most small established business owners believe that these Essentials are a one-time thing you do when you start your business. (If you do them at all.) Actually, the truth is that Essentials become MORE important as you and your business age. The Essentials save you from living the Ground Hog Day Time Loop. (Yeah, that old Bill Murray movie.) Essentials give you a purpose to keep you going in crisis. They make ownership a pleasure rather than a drudgery. The new and excited business owner has no idea what I am talking about, but YOU do. Essentials are for you, and they are long overdue.
At RCC, we call having the business you really, really want, True Business Ownership . Rita Coco Consulting has seven TBO services – programs to elevate your business to the next level. The Essentials are components of these TBO Programs. They produced the same return-on-investment when delivered separately from the TBO Programs. The benefits of offering you Post COVID-19 Essentials is that you can:
- purchase these right-size, bite-size services with your present budget
- create the game changing environment at your own speed
- switch over to the TBO program offerings when you’re ready to invest in significant business shifts
- be assured that when you switch to the TBO programs, your Essentials are leveraged, saving you time and money, as well as advancing you quickly towards your goals.
Essentials allow you to buy into any of the TBO programs while staying within your budget, and making positive changes at your own pace. Here is a list of RCC Essentials.
Essentials | How the Essential Supports TBO Owner |
Vision | The Owner is more successful attracting the market they want to serve. Makes decision-making easier; prevents owner from making incorrect investments in ideas that do not uphold the Vision. |
Mission | Owner has a road map to reach the company Vision. Employees and all stakeholders know why they go to work each day. Increases loyalty, team spirit, sense of belonging to a good cause. |
EndGame | Owner achieves a timely exit with sufficient funds. |
EndGame Goal Set | A clearer idea of how to progress towards exiting by quickly defining yearly goals and accomplishments. |
Core Values | Allows owner to quickly choose the right people* who will support the company Vision, based on how those people mirror the company’s core values. *New employees, clients, customers, vendors, consultants, gig workers, etc.. |
Culture Page | Reduces or completely eliminates the owner having to enforce work habits, leadership and self-management skills. |
TBO Challenges | Mitigates persistent challenges through prioritization. |
TBO Company Goal Planning | Quick generation of achievable goals that mitigate challenges. |
TBO Goal Tasks Planning | Quick generation of achievable tasks that mitigate challenges. |
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Keep returning to our RCC Essentials because the list keeps growing!